Four Tips for Getting through the Holidays -- and Ditching the New Year Diet

I often hear people talk about the holidays in black and white terms. I’m going to be “bad” by eating whatever I want (i.e. Halloween candy, bingeing on Thanksgiving, and holiday treats). This is usually followed with extreme rigidity in both eating and exercise after New Years. Neither of these mindsets feel good. Either you are experiencing an immense amount of guilt and apathy or restriction and deprivation in order to compensate. So what do we do?

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Betsy Callan, AM, LCSW
What is ACT?

What do you think of when you think about “going to therapy?” If you’re like me, your mind might go to the image of laying on a couch and talking to a therapist about your childhood, the dream you had last night, or the latest argument you got into with a friend or partner.

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